
February 11, 2014

Top 10 CMD Games - Inbuilt in the system

Top 10 Command Line Games

On a more light-hearted subject, what are my Top 10 Favourite Command line games for Linux? I bet you’re asking yourself why command line games? Well I’m often using Linux boxes via command line, and sometimes I get mantel blocks, tired or just bord and I want to play a game. There are more Command Line games then you think and most of them can provide a welcome break from your busy day and often a great source of inspiration.

Cowsay Fortune10 – Cowsay & fortune

Not really a game but it is fun to do when your need something to take your mind off work for a few seconds. Cowsay will simply echo what you tell it in a speech bubble coming from an ASCII cow. I know it sounds childish but try it, it will make your laugh. Fortune is a tool that echoes “words of wisdom”, this is great when you need some inspiration, and combining it with Cowsay can have some great results.
fortune | cowsaw
Install (Ubuntu):
 sudo apt-get install cowsay fortune

9 – Arithmetic

This is a simple quiz game that asks you nice simple maths question, not the most fun game on the list but it does keep your mind working while you’re taking a break.
Install (Ubuntu):
Sudo apt-get install bsdgames

8 – Backgammon

This is a nice command line, multi-player, Backgammon game. Its got nice simple instructions for people that have never played backgammon and for people that have never used the command line version before. You can play agenised the computer or agenised a friend.
Install (Ubuntu):
Sudo apt-get install bsdgames

7 – Worm

This is a growing worm game, much like the one you probably played on your old mobile. It’s a good game and it will keep you entertained for 10 minutes while you’re fixing your “writers block”
Arrow keys to move
Ctrl-c to exit
Install (Ubuntu):
Sudo apt-get install bsdgames

6 – Tetris

Yes it’s even found its way to the command line, this great little game has kept me entertained on many a Friday afternoon.
J: left
L: Right
K: Rotate
Space: Drop
Sudo apt-get install bsdgames

5 – Monopoly

Yup it can even be found in a command line version, sadly there is no board just text. It’s not bad though most people know how a monopoly board looks so you should be ok. The other downside is that you can’t play agenised a computer, but still good for lunch breaks.
Roll: to roll
M: mortgage property
?: for more commands
Sudo apt-get install bsdgames

4 – ATC

This is a great little game where you have to direct aeroplanes to their destination. It takes a while to get used to the controls and they are a little cryptic, so I recommend reading the man page, but it’s worth it as it’s a real fun way of passing 5 minutes.
man atc
Sudo apt-get install bsdgames

3 – Greed

This is probably the most addicting game on this list, the object is to eat as many of the numbers as you can. If you land on a 5 then you will move 5 places in that direction.
Arrow Keys: Move
?: Help
sudo apt-get install greed

2 – Ninvaders
Yup you guessed it, its space invaders for comand line, enough said! Commands
Arrow Keys: Move
Space: Shoot
sudo apt-get install ninvaders

1 – MUD

MUD or Multi-User Dungeon are probably my favourite command line games. They are basically a mix of the old text based adventure games and modern MMO. I Have listed that category of MUD as my favourite Command Line Game as there are so many great MUD’s, if your interested in playing on of these go to to find one that appeals to you.  Also the great thing about MUD’s is you dont need to install any softwere becuase they use telent and nearly all operating system have a telnet client built in.
telnet 4002

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